What does masking have the do with Palestine? Or Congo or anywhere being genocided right now?

For every one person killed by isreal in palestine 5 people are injured and its extremely important to understand that these injurys end up disabiling palestinians.


here are some examples on how these injuries can lead to disabilitys.

1. the large amount of gas, dust, tear gas, white phosphorus and smoke damage palestinians lungs and throats extremely badly which disables them and makes it so if they get covid, the flu or any illness it will hurt them and could kill them because of the damge thats been done to them.

2. palestinians that survive being shot or bombed body's are extremely frail and weak afterwards. think about how after getting a surgery you feel weak and your body struggles. imagine that but you arn't able to rest properly or get the proper medical care. that is what palestinians are going through and it is disabling them in mass.


so how does masking help disabled palestinians?

masking decreases the spread of any airborn virus, like the flu, covid, ect. When someone is disabled these kinds of viruses can kill them or leave them in extreme pain and fatigue so its important to mask so you avoid harming anyone who is experiencing genocide


"but I dont live in a place where anyone is being genocided"

you actually do. but that's a different talk. Here are other reasons to mask.


people who are discriminated against, are at a much greater risk of being disabled. Think about this, queer people who're hate crimed and surive have a big chance of becoming disabled from being assaulted. and with how doctors, nurses ect discriminate against marganilazed people they have a much higher chance of not receving proper care and becoming disabled from that.

And with how airborne viruses can kill or cause extreme pain and fatigue to disabled people its important to mask so you dont harm them