There is a genocide of over 2 million people. The genociders are isreal, america, and many other western powers. The genocide and colonization of palestine started around 1948 where zionest jewish settler gangs massacered and displaced palestinians. This is called the nakba. Isreal functions as a military outpost for the US and other western countries. On october 7th 2023 a palestinian freedom fighting group called hamas attacked isreal inorder to try liberate their people. This sadly did not lead to the freedom of palestinians. Isreal knew that hamas was going to attack on october 7th but they let it happen anyway so they could have a excuse to do the most violent and horrific massercering of palestinians in gaza. Isreal has always bombed palestinians and genocided palestinian civilians but after october 7th they bombed gaza with so many missles that the damage to gaza is the same as 2 nukes. Isreal is a warcriminal state and has no right to exist. The only way for freedom and peace is for palestine to have all their land back and for jewish and non jewish settlers in isreal to go back to where their famileys came from. Which would be easy since isreal is only 76 years old (this was written in 2024).